

Happy Monday! (If there is such a thing.) Honestly, this is the best Monday of the whole year because of the daylight savings nonsense. It's nice to sleep in and all, but it reminds me of Disney's Alice in Wonderland, "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrariwise, what it is, it wouldn’t be, and what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?" That's how I feel about Daylight Savings Time. I'm moving to Arizona, or is it New Mexico, where they don't participate. Retardness. All of it.

  • "YEEESS, Your Majesty"

  • I have an audition for an industrial video today at 1:30p. This is a new area for me. I'll just add it to my list of adventures.

    Sea World was fun this weekend, but I'm glad it's over. The smoke from the cauldron was making both of us sick with yucky sore throats. I can hardly swallow...even today. If it isn't feeling better tomorrow, I'm going to the doctor. 2 weeks is enough. Joy. --I found a study on the effects of the fog on theatrical employees who are around the stuff. It proves that I'm not crazy despite the fog maker's claim that - I'm quoting here - that, "When somebody sees a smoke or fog like this, it's a psychological problem," says Jim Kehrer, head of pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Texas. "If you see some sort of fog or smoke rolling at you, and you already have a breathing problem, it's going to get worse." I could strangle this man and subject him to 5 hours of breathing glycol based fog.

    On the upside, I saw Shamu. Why do I always cry at the Shamu show? I just get so emotional watching that big whale flop around. There must be something beautiful about a captured, trained mammal jumping around, restraining himself from eating rubber-suited humans. I always hope that I'm at the ONE SHOW that Shamu finally strikes back. What is wrong with me? Wait. Don't answer that. ;)

  • "Attack, Shamu, Attack!"

  • This is terrible, but realted and funny.

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