

So busy!
The floor's almost (well, half-way) done.
The car is great.
Work is fine.
Dogs are super.
House is under red alert due to recent criminal activity.
Acting is slow, but I'm waiting for the rush.
Christmas is coming.
Read "Where the Red Fern Grows" last night and cried my eyes out. Had to sit on the floor and cuddle with my dogs for 20 minutes to get over it.
Auctions are going VERY well. Why don't I just quit work and do this full time?

Point to ponder...
Is it wrong that I eat sushi in the car? My middle console is just the right size for a grocery store sushi tray and I can drive with my left hand and use the chopsticks with the right. People in the other cars look at me like I'm on crack, but is it WRONG?

BTW - Consignment shops rock. Especially this one...

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